(includes shower)
Daily rate:
April -June $45
July $55
August to Labour day $100
Sept 5-March 31 $45
Off season $45
Trailer rental
Lower trailer$150 Aug-sept 4th $175
Higher trailer $150 Aug-Sept 4th $200
Bunk house $150. Aug-sept 4th $200, up to 4 people.
Seasonal shoulder rates $45 day
- Based on 4 people max
- Extra Person $5
Poett Nook currently has a limited number of "Seasonal Sites" available in the campground.
Seasonal sites can be occupied from April 1st through September 30th each year. Earlier or
later occupation will be simply charged out on the daily rates.
Seasonal rates one unit per site, additional units are extra and half the daily rate. NOT as much as you can Fit on your site.
Seasonal Summer Hydro rate: $718.00 Note: Rate is for 1, 20amp breaker, 2 plugs Additional plug-ins will be charged as per the seasonal rate if available.
Here are our seasonal rates for the following sites:
April 1-Sept 30th season
Paid in full by Feb 28th
Sites 1-10 $2925
Sites 11-26 $3360
Sites 27-34 $2925
Sites 35-44 $2610
Sites 45-63 $2925
Sites 65-80 $2495
Sites 81-119 $2290
For additional information on reserving a seasonal campsite at Poett Nook Marina, please go to our Contact Us page to get in touch with a Poett Nook Representative.
Daily rate:
$1.75 per foot, of overall length, per day (No rafting allowed)
$5 per day per each person sleeping on board
$15 launch fee (if applicable)
Monthly (if available):
$1.15 per foot, of overall length, per day (No rafting allowed)
Season: April1-Sept30
Seasonal Vessels $45.00 FT LOA or slip Length, whatever is greater tip to tip
Dates of occupancy are April 1 to September 30th. We do not have off season rates for moorage.
Kayak Launching
$8.00 to launch per Kayak
Vehicle Parking & Launching
Day Launching $19
Overnight vehicle or Boat trailer $10.00ea P/N
Overnight Vehicle and Boat trailer $20.00 P/N
Boat and Trailer Storage and Electrical
October 1st through April 15 - $100.00 per month, 6 months = $600.00
Trailers - October 1st through April 1 - $100.00 per month, 6 months = $600.00 per trailer.
Plus a $380.00 electrical fee per unit.
Prices Subject to change without notice
Ice: $7.00 per bag, 3 for $20, 10 or more $5.00
Fish Freezing: $4.00 per fish
WIFI: $5.00 per day $25.00 per week or $35 per month. Seasonal (180 Days) $150.00 for 3 devices.
Loading/unloading vessels - $15.00
Removal of electrical cords from outlets is not allowed. Please bring a 50' extension cord
If you have any questions about pricing or to reserve a campsite at Poett Nook Marina, please see our Contact Uspage, or use our Reservation Request page.