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BC, Canada


Poett Nook Location & Road Conditions

Hwy is in Great Condition and is chip sealed all the way to Bamfield 


Located in beautiful Barkley Sound on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, Poett Nook has long been the destination point of choice for those wishing to enjoy the many natural wonders of the “West Coast”.

You can reach Poett Nook Marina & Campground, by way of water, gravel logging road from Youbou, lake cowichain, or the town of
Port Alberni
, BC. on a chip sealed road.

Campground Location & Directions:

If Driving: When you get close to Port Alberni look for and follow the signs for Bamfield. You will come out of Port Alberni and the road will turn to gravel. Follow the signs for Bamfield/Poett Nook. At approximately 64 K (42 miles) you will come to a “Yield” sign. Turn right and in a short distance on your left is the entrance road to Poett Nook. Follow road for approx. 2k to the Campground entrance - Enjoy!

Updated Road Conditions:June 8 2024use caution: active logging so please drive with care. 
If By Boat: Launch boat at Clutesi Haven and proceed down Alberni inlet to Barkley Sound. Poett Nook is located on the Southern shore line of Barkley Sound which will be on the Port side of your vessel. Check the Google map link below.

48º 52’.52” N 125º 02’ 55.37” W

If you are interested in making a reservation with Poett Nook, we have an easy way to get started online. Please visit our Reservation Request page for all the info and to make a reservation today!

Interesting fact: Barkley Sound was historically known as Barclay sound, but has in recent times officially become
Barkley Sound on charts and maps etc..

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